Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


Saya adalah anggota Milis Sehat yang cukup baru, juga anggota yang rajin membaca milis, tetapi pasif bertanya atau menanggapi. Rasanya ingin sekali ikut acara PESAT (Program Edukasi Kesehatan Anak untuk Orangtua) yang diselenggarakan oleh para orangtua (Smart Parents) yang adalah anggota milis. Tetapi saya hanya bisa 'gigit jari' karena lokasi penyelenggaraannya biasanya jauh dan sulit ditempuh.

Suatu hari, saya iseng posting ke milis ini untuk mengajak anggota milis yang tinggal di sekitar Cibubur untuk KOPDAR. Siapa tahu ada yang tertarik untuk membentuk panitia dan mengadakan PESAT di Cibubur. Ternyata responnya lumayan. Setelah itu, prosesnya sangat cepat. Kami kopdar, membentuk panitia, dan langsung mempersiapkan PESAT Cibubur yang akan diadakan pada Hari Minggu, 16 Juni 2013.

Sebagai pengelola blog dari PESAT Cibubur, maka saya merasa perlu merujuk blog PESAT Cibubur di jurnal saya ini. Semoga semakin banyak orang yang mengunjungi blog PESAT Cibubur dan berminat untuk bergabung.

Apa itu PESAT? Apa saja yang dibicarakan? Kapan diadakan? Siapa yang menyelenggarakan?
Silahkan mengunjungi http://pesatcibubur.blogspot.com.

May's Celebrations

May is really a special month for me.

My Birthday
Our Annie Day
Our New Home
 Rei's 20 months old

What a live that God grants! All are so wonderful and magnificent!
Rei's been growing so fast that I want sometimes to pause his growth a little while,
just to enjoy every point of it.
More story to tell is our stress and happiness in the journey of building our house.
I hope I have time to write about this.

Meanwhile, let me savor all the beauty of life.

Happy Annie Three

Three years ago ...
on this date, we were united ...
The very special thing this morning is
Addies and I did not forget that today is our anniversary day.
No debate on the exact Annie day like last year.
Or missing the day like last two years.
Yipiiieee ! We've got better brains and memory!

Yet we both forgot the day of my birth on last 19 May.
It was Facebook and the timelines from friends that saved my memory.
Anyway, it is better to only forget one than two important things.

Poppa, Momma and Rei at our new house

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

Anak BLW bisa GTM juga

Apakah anak BLW bisa beraksi GTM (gerakan tutup mulut)? Jawabannya bisa banget! And it's surprising because by winning such BLW method, I thought I would have never met this classical problem.

Dalam kurun satu bulan di bulan April lalu, Little Big Rei mengalami banyak ujian, antara lain berturut-turut mengalami:
- Dermatitis Atopik yang disertai flu dan konjungtivitis (mata merah)
- Roseola Infantum, dari infeksi virus herpes 6
- Flu
- Flu lagi

Setiap kali salah satu momma atau poppa pergi ke luar kota, kekebalan Rei sepertinya menurun (mungkin karena merasa kehilangan), jadi mudah kena penyakit dan terinfeksi virus. Kalau sakit, Rei sulit sekali makan. Tidak mau duduk di kursi makan, maunya digendong jalan. Tidak mau makan sendiri, maunya disuapin. Akhirnya metode baby-led weaning dikesampingkan dulu. Berat badan Rei turun sekilo, jadi kelihatan kurus dan seperti bukan anak kecil berbadan besar (Little Big) Rei lagi.

Jangan tanya perasaan saya. Yang pasti tidak enak, campur-campur antara sedih, stres, bingung, tetapi yang terbesar adalah perasaan bersalah karena sudah mulai aktif bekerja dan sering meninggalkan Rei. *loh kok jadi curhat?

Kembali ke topik. Tenang dulu para emak, problem GTM pada Rei bukan pada metode pemberian makan (konvensional atau BLW)  tetapi karena kondisi fisiknya. Setelah sakit berlalu, Rei kembali semangat makan kok. Sekarang Rei malah tambah lancar menggunakan sendok dan garpu ;-)

Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Baby Room at Changi Airport

I've shared in another post about my frustration in searching for a breastfeeding room at Manila Airport. This time, I want to share something different. Something delightful. Something that makes a mom like me feeling valued and respected. 

Direction to Baby Care Room in Changi Airport

Many times I've been to Changi Airport in Singapore but never put any attention to this facility until I became a breastfeeding mother. The size of board sign for the baby care room is equal to the size of gate direction. I mean it's not as small as the toilet sign. The direction is clear, which shows that this room is important. Remember that the sign is not for a breastfeeding room but a more comprehensive facility that is a baby care room. When I saw that board, I was thinking that there should be something special down there. And it was!

Tap area
Surprisingly (or was I too excited?), the tap area was equipped by a hot water tap, which helped mommas to clean or sterilize bottles or pumpers. It has a secure button, so the hot water only comes out if the two buttons (red/hot button and the secure button) are pushed together. This creates safety in case children play around with the tap.

Hot water tap

There were three tiny beds for the newborns. Look at the hanging tissues, which give easiness for mothers in changing diapers or cleaning things.

Newborns beds
And the very special and private one was the breastfeeding room (which can be used for pumping too), which was spacious and shaped like a cylinder cube, with light, desk and trash bin. I pumped my breasts and got a little legs stretching here.

Breastfeeding room at Changi Airport
Thanks for appreciating me, Changi Airport!

I do hope that CGK airport has something like this *daydreaming